개인채무 조회 Personal debt inquiry

Personal debt integrated inquiry [debt history inquiry]

개인채무 조회

Debt or debt refers to borrowing or indebtedness to others. In modern society, it mainly means lent money and borrowed money. Debts with financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies are called loans, and it can be said that it is a type of debt. Today, we will give you a guide for integrated personal debt inquiry or debt history inquiry. 개인채무 조회


The Korea Asset Management Corporation’s Household Income Accounting Center is the competent agency, and provides customized services that enable customers who have difficulty checking debt information to easily and conveniently inquire and check their debt details online. 좋은뉴스 



For those who are willing to repay their debts, Korea Asset Management Corporation provides opportunities for recovery and credit recovery through the credit recovery support system such as debt reduction benefits and debt restructuring.


The form of support is information provision, and the content of support is provision of personal debt information. This includes the lending institution, loan balance, remaining interest, expiration of statute of limitations, existence of guarantor, and date of loan. Some of the details above may not be displayed depending on whether or not the information is held by the institution.


The target of support is customers who own bonds purchased and managed by Korea Asset Management Corporation, National Happiness Fund, Hope Gather Securitization Specialist, and Hanmaeum Financial. It is not possible to apply online, and the reception institution is the Household Income Restoration Support Office. You can refer to the figure below for contact information.


The contact information is the Korea Asset Management Corporation Customer Support Center, and the contact information is as shown in the figure above. For details, please check the institution’s website or contact information.