두피 열 내리는법 how to get rid of scalp fever

How to get rid of fever in the head, how to get rid of the fever in the scalp

두피 열 내리는법
• 1. What is Suseunghwagang?
• (1) What is head fever and scalp fever?
• (2) Reasons for a fever in the head
• (3) Reasons for headache and scalp fever
• ① Suseunghwa River
• ② Foot and foot fever
• 2. Reasons for not becoming Suseunghwagang
• (1) Negative causes
• ① body
• ② Insomnia
• (2) active cause
• ① Spicy food, nerve-exciting food
• ② Anger, fear, anxiety, sadness
• 3. Foods that reduce heat in the head
• 4. How to lower your hair
• 5. How to easily bring down a child’s fever when they have a fever 두피 열 내리는법
• 6. Adverse effects of abstinence
• (1) Chills
• (2) side effects
• 7. Summary

1. What is Suseunghwagang? 좋은뉴스 
(1) What is head fever and scalp fever?
Precise definitions of fever and scalp fever are not given in the dictionary, but it can be understood that a fever refers to a feeling of heat in the forehead or upper part of the head, and a fever in the scalp refers to a feeling of heat at the top of the head. This heat sensation is not a high fever, but a level that feels warm when you put your hand on the forehead or the top of the head.

head heat
(2) Reasons for fever in the head
The head basically has no choice but to have a lot of heat. This is because the brain is an organ that uses about 20% of the circulating blood volume. This means that there is a lot of blood circulating to the head. If there is a large amount of circulating blood, a large amount of warm arterial blood is naturally supplied, and the body temperature in that area inevitably rises partially.

The heat that is not completely absorbed into the body is directed to the outside, and the energy becomes nutrients and power for hair growth. The reason why there is the most hair on the human body is because the amount of heat supplied to the head is large. Keeping your head cool at all times is usually a challenge unless you are in good shape because your head has a lot of heat.


How to get rid of hair heat, How to get rid of scalp fever – Suseunghwagang Gold Cooling Method
(3) Reasons for headache and scalp fever
The reason why head fever or scalp fever occurs is that the energy that should go down did not go down or the energy spread upward.

① Suseunghwa River
In oriental medicine, there is a saying called Suseunghwagang (水升火降). Su refers to cold energy, and anger refers to hot energy. So, Suseunghwagang means that cold energy should go up and hot energy should go down. When the hot energy goes down, the top gets cold by itself, so it is not the Suseunghwagang, but the Hwagang Suseung. Hwagang comes first, Suseung comes later.

② Foot and foot fever
There is a word similar to Suseunghwagang called Duhanjok fever頭寒足熱. Duhanjok fever means the head is cold and the feet are warm. When the heat cools down, your head cools down and your feet feel warm.

If you do not become a Suseunghwagang, the hot energy does not go down and is concentrated upward, so naturally the head heats up or the scalp heats up. When scalp fever occurs, side effects such as oily hair, dandruff, and hair loss also follow.


How to get rid of hair heat, how to get rid of scalp fever
2. Reasons for not becoming Suseunghwagang
The reason why it does not become Suseunghwagang or Duhanjok fever is that the fever that should go down did not go down. There are both passive and active causes for the reason why the fever has not gone down.

(1) Negative causes
① body
First of all, when food is well digested and excreted, fever goes down. The process by which food ingested through the mouth goes down through the digestive tract is also part of granite. However, if you have an appetite or have chronic constipation, your energy can’t go down properly, so it’s easy to get a slight fever or headache. A mild fever or headache soon leads to a head fever.

② sleepless
Even if you sleep well, you become granite. A good night’s sleep allows your head to rest during the night so blood doesn’t rush to your head. However, if the sleeping time is short or you cannot fall into deep sleep, blood is actively supplied to keep the brain active even while resting, and hot energy remains in the head.

(2) active cause
Diet, constipation, and lack of sleep, which we just looked at, are physical reasons for head fever or scalp fever, and passive causes because the energy to go down has not gone down. On the other hand, there are two causes that actively raise the heat to the head.

① Spicy food, nerve-exciting food
One is spicy or nerve-wracking food. Garlic, ginger, red pepper powder, paprika, mustard, wasabi, red pepper paste, hot sauce, curry, and other spicy ingredients are all foods that increase heat. Foods such as coffee, chocolate, green tea, rosemary, and peppermint also excite the nerves and raise the fever. Alcohol, protein, and fat are also among the foods that raise the heat. Alcohol, protein, and fat are the foods with the most thermogenesis.

Emotion-Body Map
② Anger, fear, anxiety, sadness
The second active cause of fever is the mental part. Emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness account for the greatest proportion of mental causes that raise fever.


As you can see in the picture above, emotions such as happiness and love warm the body by improving blood circulation throughout the body. But when you get angry, your temper flares up, or you fall into sudden sadness, your energy surges upward. Headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure, as well as headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure, can occur if anger and anxiety remain unabated for days or months.

If you have a scalp fever even though you do not have a diet, constipation, or lack of sleep, you should check whether you are stressed out and angry or irritable, anxious and afraid. If you can’t calm down those feelings, the problem of head fever won’t be solved. Along with that, avoid spicy or nerve-stimulating foods.

3. Foods to lower the heat

Heat-reducing foods are foods with few spicy ingredients. Cucumbers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, gourds and other vegetables are most applicable. Seaweeds such as wakame, kelp, and seaweed are also not spicy. Fruits do not contain any spicy ingredients, but fruits with a strong sour taste are not good for the body, so it is better to choose one with little or no sour taste. Vegetables and herbs such as lettuce and chamomile, which induce sleep when eaten, also lower the energy.

However, eating the foods listed above too cold can cause a headache, so leave them at room temperature before eating.

4. How to lower your hair
How to lower your hair.txt
How to directly purchase magnesium hydroxide, which is excellent for reducing fever


high fever
5. How to easily bring down a child’s fever when they have a fever
When you catch a cold and your body temperature is high, you put a wet towel or an ice pack on your forehead, but the gold cooling method is much more effective and quickly lowers the fever than that method. Even if you do it for about 5 minutes, you can immediately feel the coolness of your head. In particular, young children may shudder and dislike putting ice on their heads, but even in that case, it is effective to apply cold water to the lower part of the body.

6. Adverse effects of abstinence
(1) Chills
If a person with a constitution that is sensitive to cold or has a fever in the upper body performs the abstinence method and the fever goes down, on the contrary, you may feel chills. If you have a fever but still feel chills, keep your upper body warm with warm clothes and do the gold cold method.

Some people say that even in the middle of winter, ice is added to the water to make it more effective, but it is not necessary to do so. In summer, tap water is lukewarm, so you can cool it down with ice, but in winter, tap water is cold enough, so you can drink it as is.

The duration of the abstinence method should be adjusted according to the condition of the body. If you do not want to do it because it is too cold in winter, do it several times with a few minutes off each time you go to the bathroom. Don’t take off all your clothes, just pull down your panties and squat down to use the shower.

(2) side effects
It would be nice if the body became healthier the more you practiced the gold-cold method to help Suseunghwagang, but there are also side effects. For those who do not have a lot of heat and are weak in physical strength, the abstinence method may cause a drop in body temperature, indigestion, low blood pressure, and headaches. Therefore, people who normally have a low body temperature should raise the basal body temperature of the whole body through exercise, and should take a break from abstinence for a while if the aforementioned symptoms appear. At the same time, refrain from cold food and drink hot water or hot drinks to warm up your body.

7. Summary
Head fever and scalp fever occur because the hot energy cannot go down.
There are physical causes such as lack of energy, constipation, and lack of sleep, and mental causes such as anger and sadness.
The gold cooling method is a powerful way to reduce fever.
If you experience symptoms such as lower body temperature, indigestion, low blood pressure, or headache as a side effect of the abstinence method, drink a warm drink, take a break from the abstinence method, and exercise.