한글로 한자찾기 Search Chinese characters in Hangul

There are many ways to say hancha in Korean. For example, there is a way to find out by pressing the character input > Chinese character button through a program called Hangul, and there are other ways to find out by entering a Daum dictionary or a Naver dictionary like the way we will guide you today. There are various things, and I think you can get the information you want through these. You can make a choice according to the environment, and since it can be used with a mobile phone, I would like to think about these points. I have summarized the method below, so please check it step by step.

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Search Chinese characters in Hangul 한글로 한자찾기 




First, I entered the daum dictionary. You can do a search here. Please try typing in Hangul as it is in the search window. (In addition to Chinese characters, English, Japanese, Chinese, etc. can also be used.) You can search for the following dictionaries on the portal. 좋은뉴스


Go to the daum dictionary



If you do a search, the screen below may appear immediately. If the Chinese character you are looking for is correct, click to enter. Even the same Hangeul may differ depending on the interpretation, so you can check it by considering these points.


There were two cases of Um/Kanja. Ilsa, front battle, etc. came out, and the number of strokes and the level of difficulty of the hook came out. I learned what kind of content it had, and it felt more memorable. Please search for the Chinese characters you are looking for in this way.

I could see it in words and sentences. Advance: It can be before something happens, and there was an example in the sense of doing it in advance when doing any exercise. You can find Chinese characters in Hangul by simply searching like this. There are other methods as well, so let’s take a look


This is a page provided and serviced by Naver. You can search in the same way with naver dictionary. (Shortcut) First, you need to go to Dictionary > Chinese characters.


I did a search with the same example, and I was able to check the words that came out. Since there is not such a big difference, I think you can use it as a service of a convenient portal.

The searched parts could be looked at by words and meanings. Because it is a place that plays the role of a dictionary, those who want to see the same part of the pool can refer to it.


Also, if you know Chinese characters but feel ambiguous, there are ways to find them like jade, or through a Chinese character handwriting recognizer. I’ve posted it before, but I’m going to pick it up again, and if you know it, I recommend it as a convenient function. As today’s topic, I dealt with finding Chinese characters in Hangul. Many of you may know, but it would be nice to remember that there are such methods. It was one of the things you can find out on the Internet, and I’ll try to write another article with useful information next time. thank you