Divi Insurance customer center phone number, homepage, and counselor connection information are summarized. DB Insurance was renamed from Dongbu Insurance and is the same company as DB Insurance.
Divi Insurance customer center phone number
The customer center phone number can be divided into two parts. One is the representative customer center of Divi Insurance, and the other is the customer center dedicated to direct insurance. You can use the direct insurance customer center when you need direct insurance subscription inquiries or direct insurance consultation. Of course, there is no problem using the representative customer center. DB손해보험 고객센터
DB Insurance Customer Center [Representative] 좋은뉴스
Divi Insurance customer center phone number: 1588-0100
Counselor Connection Hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 19:00
To connect to a counselor, dial 1588-0100 and press speed dial number 0.
ARS Shortcut Number
1. Car breakdown
2. Car accident registration information
3. Counseling for new insurance
4. Illness, injury, fire insurance accident registration information
5. Sickness, injury, driver insurance change, cancellation, insurance premium payment
6. Car insurance change, cancellation
7. Lending
8. Automated certificate issuance service and reception of customer complaints
0. Agent connection
Divi Insurance [Direct] Dedicated Customer Center
Internet subscription insurance only: 1600-0100
Counselor contact time: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 18:00, Saturday 9:00 ~ 13:00
ARS speed dial
1. Inquiry for intern tax subscription
2. Car breakdown, emergency dispatch request
3. Car insurance accident registration
4. Disease, injury, driver, fire insurance accident registration
5. Contract change and termination
6. Certificate Issuance
7. Lending
Call center phone number for each DB insurance service
In addition to the representative customer center, there are also phone numbers for each service. If you want to consult about insurance contract loans or insurance claims, it would be better to use the dedicated call center below.
Call center dedicated to insurance claims: 1566-1040
Insurance contract loan, credit loan consultation call center: 1544-0100
Mortgage, Credit Loan Consultation Call Center: 1661-2200
Bancassurance: 1688-0100
Internet-only product consultation: 1600-0100
Go to DB Insurance Homepage
The website addresses of Divi Insurance and Divi Insurance Direct are attached. If you need to visit the website, please use the link below.