As most consumers use credit or debit cards, there are many things they want to check in various ways. If you experience any inconvenience or have any questions while using your card, you may call the customer center to check and inquire.
So, this time, we would like to find out about the NH Nonghyup Card customer center number.
NH Nonghyup Card Customer Center Number
The basic representative phone number is 1644-4000. Note that the area code is not required. NH농협카드 고객센터
In addition, there are numbers for each purpose of use, so please refer to the following.
Card customer service center representative phone number 1644-4000
Card issuance application only 1644-2744 좋은뉴스
Approval/Merchant 1644-7400
When using from overseas 82-2-6942-6478
NH Nonghyup Card Customer Center Hours of Operation
The customer center is also a place where people work, so it doesn’t work indefinitely, right?
The operating hours of the Nonghyup Card Customer Center are 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. This part is similar to most credit card companies and customer centers in the service industry.
However, in the case of a loss report, it is possible 24 hours a day due to the nature of the case. Of course, it is not about connecting with a counselor. To put it simply, the tasks you need to connect with a counselor are limited to working hours on weekdays.
Some tasks that are systematically possible without a counselor are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The relevant tasks are card limit inquiry, billing statement, billing amount inquiry, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
In fact, in the case of frequently asked questions, even if you know a few things, you do not have to call or search the Internet.
For your reference, if it is difficult to connect by phone, you can check most of them through the website.
Go to Nonghyup Card Customer Center Homepage
Below are specific answers to frequently asked questions.
Q Currently, I am using a debit card, and I am using an approved SMS for more than 20,000 won per case for free. Will I be charged if I change to SMS transmission for all approval details?
A If you only have a check card that provides (free) approval notification message service (SMS) for more than 20,000 won per case, you will not be charged a separate fee even if you change to SMS transmission for all approval details.
However, please note that if you change to SMS transmission of all approval details while you also have a check or credit card that does not provide free SMS service, a fee will be charged. (Usage fee: 300 won per month)
If you want to change all approval details to SMS transmission, you can apply through the Nonghyup branch, Customer Happiness Center, or NH Card website/application.
How to change approval notification message service (SMS)
– Visit the Nonghyup branch: bring your ID
– Customer Happiness Center: ☎ 1644-4000
– NH Card website: My NH > Reliable service > Mobile phone message (usage notification) service > Service inquiry/change/cancellation – NH Card application: Payment/convenience> Card usage/credit information notification> Mobile phone message service> Inquiry/change/cancellation