국비 지원 교육 종류 Types of government-funded education

Types of government-funded education Start coding government-funded support! Hello, this is Beat Camp! According to a recent survey, the lifetime They say they change jobs about 6 times. 국비 지원 교육 종류 Nowadays, it is safe to say that there is no concept of a lifetime job. For this reason, among those who are preparing … Read more

사회복지사 보수교육 Social worker refresher training

hello. Today, I am going to summarize the contents of the Social Worker Continuing Education Center, which is one of the qualifications that require periodic refresher training in order to acquire and maintain the qualification. This is important information that must be performed in order to maintain the validity of the certificate. 사회복지사 보수교육 Summary … Read more

이력서 양식 resume form

Download the resume template for free I wish you success in finding a job. hwp Hangul file format and resume form design In keeping with the latest trends, while being sensible It is designed to give the hiring manager a sense of trust. 이력서 양식 Job application form (sense but reliable design).hwp 좋은뉴스 0.06 MB … Read more

휴면예금 찾아줌 Find dormant deposits

Commonwealth Financial Promotion Agency – Find my sleeping money using the dormant deposit finding service. Dormant deposits refer to deposits, cashier’s checks, and insurance money for which the extinctive prescription of claims or claims has been completed in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or agreements between the parties. If there is no transaction … Read more

여신금융협회 카드포인트 통합 조회 Credit Finance Association card point integration inquiry

Credit Finance Association Through the integrated card point inquiry, you can inquire the points of several affiliated card companies at once, convert them into cash, and receive them into your account. This service is available through the Credit Finance Association website. If you are using multiple cards, it is difficult to know how many points … Read more