나이스 학교코드 nice school code

This is how to look up Nice High School’s school code. If you know the school code in advance when using the Com Hour Alert, you can use it comfortably. Com Hour Alert is a commercial service that allows you to conveniently view class timetables. Timetable registration is paid, but viewing of registered materials is free.


For more information on Com Time Alert, please refer to the following. 나이스 학교코드


– Com hour reminder class schedule (student, teacher) 좋은뉴스


Home school code search site
There are several ways to retrieve your school code. It is easily possible through the page called Home School Code Search. Clicking on the link will take you to the homepage of the site.

나이스 학교코드






Home school code search site



Screen composition is simple. It consists of a window to enter the name of the school you graduated from and a search button.

You can easily find it by entering the desired search term in the name of your home school and clicking Search. If you enter “Seoul” and search, you will find school codes that include Seoul.

The first column contains the school code, school name, and address. It is a site that seems to be operated by individuals and you do not know when the service will disappear.


Utilize Excel file
Another way is to search Google for files organized in Excel. I have attached it as a file below.


03.High School+Code_20170913.xlsx


Looking at the file name, it looks like it was created in 2017. In the tab below, it is divided into high school codes, broadcast correspondence high schools, and (reference) academic high schools.


If you need a school code, there are two ways to find it. Other methods require a public certificate or look at the web page source, so the above two methods seem the easiest.


– Com hour reminder class schedule (student, teacher)

– 2 nice byte calculators (Excel vs website)