알뜰폰 통신비 환급 Affordable phone communication fee refund

Wise User Smart Choice Unreimbursed communication fee refund method Affordable phone is also available

Let’s find out how to get a refund for hidden unreimbursed telecom charges that you can’t get forever if you don’t know. Please take a minute to search for hidden refunds. Refunds are available on Wise User and Smart Choice, which are broadcast communication user information portals.

알뜰폰 통신비 환급
How to refund unreimbursed telecom charges
The unreimbursed amount refers to unreimbursed charges such as double payments and equipment subsidies in the process of canceling service. The method of inquiry of unreimbursed amount is as follows. Please refer to the information below to check the refund amount. 알뜰폰 통신비 환급

Connect to Wise User or Smart Choice portal
Go to service utilization tab located at the top of broadcast communication unreimbursed amount 좋은뉴스 
Go to telecommunication company unpaid amount inquiry and fill in information
Apply when there is a refund amount

1. Connect to broadcast communication user information portal Wise User or Smart Choice

I will explain based on wise users. After accessing the Wise User Portal, go to the unreimbursed amount of broadcast communication in the service utilization tab located at the top.

Wise User_Homepage
Wise User Homepage
Unrefunded amount of broadcasting communication
Go to Broadcast Communication Unrefunded Amount

2. Connect to the telecommunications company’s unreimbursed amount inquiry shortcut

Enter information such as name and social security number, and select a carrier. For your reference, you can also inquire about unreimbursed money for budget phones of each carrier kt, skt, lg u plus, and sk broadband.

Inquire unpaid amount from telecommunications company_image
Inquire unreimbursed amount from telecommunications company
Inquire unreimbursed amount from telecommunications company
Unrefunded Amount Query
The Unrefunded Amount Inquiry column is not easily visible, so find it through the tab located on the left.

3. View after agreeing to the collected information

You can check how much money can be refunded. You can check the amount such as overpayment fee, terminal installment payment guarantee insurance fee, and know the total amount that can be applied for refund.

Smart Choice_Unrefunded Amount_Inquiry Method
write information

4. Request a refund

If there is an amount to be refunded, fill in the bank name, account number, and contact information and apply for a refund, and the whole process is completed.

Application for unrefunded amount from telecommunications company
Unrefunded Amount Inquiry Result
In addition, it explains how to check the unrefunded amount of paid broadcasting. Please refer to the information below.

How to check unrefunded amount of paid broadcasting
Pay-TV_non-refundable amount_inquiry method
How to check unrefunded pay TV amount
Enter your name, resident registration number, etc. in the same way as for the unreimbursed amount of paid broadcasting, and select the broadcasting company you want to inquire about. If you search after selecting a region (only cable), a list will appear.

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It takes about 1 minute to check the unreimbursed amount. You can check within a short time, so please refer to the inquiry method described above to receive a refund.