카카오톡 고객센터 KakaoTalk Customer Center

KakaoTalk customer center phone number


Today, if you have any complaints or inquiries when using the KAKAO TALK app or using KAKAO-related services

You can contact us through the “KakaoTalk Customer Center number”. How to get a consultation? I would like to know about the procedure. 카카오톡 고객센터

카카오톡 고객센터

“KakaoTalk customer center phone number” 좋은뉴스 

First, what is today’s topic?

What is the KakaoTalk customer center phone number?

What if you access the KAKAO TALK homepage?

Click [Terms of Use] at the bottom

Address and contact information are listed below.

What is your address? 1st floor of Mirae Asset Venture Tower, 20 Pangyoyeok-ro 241beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Contact number? You can receive consultation by calling 1577-3754 or leaving a message on the website.

When is it available? It is a business day and time from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00, and it is said that it is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

How to access the KakaoTalk Customer Center website?

After accessing the N portal site, search for “Kakao Talk” and then access the portal site at the top of the first page.

What if the screen below appears?


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

Please click [Customer Center] next to affiliate information with your mouse.

If you click [View All] on the next screen, you will be connected to the customer center of all affiliated services related to KAKAO.

Since this topic is related to KAKAO TALK,

Let’s choose KakaoTalk.


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

As shown in the picture above, related icons such as Gift, Kakao Page, Plus Friend manager, Kakao Talk emoticon, and charging station appear on the screen.

Please click the kakaotalk in the first position among them.


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

So that’s a useful tip

Help information is displayed from 1 to 10, and on the left

This is an inquiry related to KAKAO TALK.

Items that can be consulted include:

(General, sign up/change/withdrawal, backup/restore, profile, voice/face talk, talk board, channel, open chat, plus friend, notification talk, emoticon store inquiry, gift giving, kakao account/login/authentication, kakao by talk game)

You can get advice on this.

What if you click on any of these items?

As shown in the picture above, there is a [Contact Us] in the shape of a small button at the bottom.

If you click on this

A screen similar to the one below will appear.


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

In order

In the inquiry category, there is a category selection, and after checking the consent to email address, mobile phone number, inquiry content, file attachment, and collection and use of personal information, you can [Receive inquiry].

In this category?

(Verification number, Kakao search/# search, channel, open chatting, emoticon store inquiry, improvement, suggestion, voice talk/face talk, withdrawal inquiry, Kakao account, general inquiry, notification talk, talk bulletin board, Kakao talk notification related inquiry, Channel search/Searchlight, Kakao Talk by game, Problems when using Windows or Mac MAC exclusive version in PC version) After making a selection? After selecting the mobile phone type (iPhone or Android) on the right

Enter the email address where you would like to receive the reply email. Please also write down your cell phone number, what about the inquiry?

Basically, the content of required items may differ slightly depending on the inquiry, such as mobile phone number, e-mail account (Kakao account) ID, mobile phone OS information, AS repair status, etc.


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

The above is the screen when you want to make an inquiry to the Kakao Channel.

1. Carrier information

2. Mobile phone model name

3. Mobile phone OS information

4. AS repair status

5. Jailbreak (rooting)

Write detailed and accurate information in


“KakaoTalk customer center phone number”

And [attach file]

You can register up to 5 files, limited to 10MB, and you can upload only supported file types (jpg, gif, psd, png, tif, zip, ms office, hwp, pdf). .

You can take a screen capture of any complaints while using this KAKAO-related service and send it to us. After attaching the file? After checking the consent to the collection and use of personal information, click [Inquiry]

After a certain amount of time? You will receive a reply mail.

When to ask for a consultation? During business hours on weekdays, you can also consult by phone in case of an emergency.

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I hope you are always healthy and full of good things.

thank you